Observica Magazine, Elite Edition 2023

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Selected Artwork: ‘Tranquil Autumn Morning’

Where: Contemporary Art Quarterly Magazine, Online and Print
Exhibit: 25th Issue, Elite Edition
Dates: End of November 2023

Observica is a Canadian contemporary art magazine published quarterly by “Discover the Artist” media holding. Observica opens a new perspective to the art world by providing art critiques, interviews, news, events, calls, artist presentations, articles, and ads from all around the globe.

Link to the 25th Issue online magazine (my bio and piece are on pages 63-64 per the magazine page numbers, or 70-71 using the scrollbar)

Previous issues can be found at https://www.observica.com/publications

The piece is based on a friend’s gorgeous photo, expertly captured while kayaking one early fall morning on the Seagull River near the end of the Gunflint Trail in Northeastern Minnesota.

See Tranquil Autumn Morning’s portfolio page for more detail about the piece, including what causes pink skies.

Tranquil Autumn Morning

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