Melancholy 2024

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Selected Artwork: Nearing Conjunction

Where: Gallerium Online Group Exhibition
Exhibit: Biafarin 3rd Annual Awards 2023
Dates: December 25, 2023 – February 25, 2024

My ‘Nearing Conjunction‘ needle felting was accepted into this online exhibit beginning in December 2023. is an artist management platform, established to help artists worldwide to present their artistic career, promote their art, sell their artworks and create more revenue from new channels.

My Artist Page with selected artwork

Gallerium’s online exhibition smart catalog (digital page 29; printed page 26; each artwork has been published separately in one full-colored A4 page with active links and QR codes for each artist and artwork page)

Nearing Conjunction

Promotional Poster:

Online Catalog (page snapshot)


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