Needle felting using wool fibers

10″ x 10″ (inner felting)
12″ x 12″ (framed)
Status: Private Commission Gift

This piece was based on a illustration created by my wonderful friend, former colleague and brilliant graphic design artist, Danny Miller, who then commissioned the needle felting for his partner who collects nativities and has a deep appreciation for religious symbolism.

Danny designed several symbolic elements in the illustration. There are three concentric circles formed by the animals on the outside, then the family and then the baby Jesus which represents the Trinity. The three roosters represent Peter’s thrice denial of Christ. And the cow/ox symbolizes protection for the family and is also a common symbol in religious art. In early Christianity, the ox carried the symbolic meaning of sacrifice, and later service and strength. The ox also became a regular feature of nativities after St. Francis of Assisi, a well-known animal lover, staged the first nativity scene in 1223. [source]

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